AMC Stock Communities and Stock Analysis

A look into $AMC - AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc’s stock, the AMC Reddit community, and the AMC Stocktwits Forum. This report will cover information about AMC price, price target, and other information about their stock, information about the size and quality of the AMC Reddit community, and information about the size and quality of the AMC Stocktwits forum. To see more of the most talked about stocks on Reddit, check out the Utradea Social Sentiment Dashboard for insights and analytics. AMC Social Media Overview: AMC Reddit: The r/amcstock subreddit is a dedicated AMC subreddit and contains discussions about AMC stock price, due diligence and memes. The AMC subreddit has 430,000 members: The AMC Reddit is on of the largest subreddits for an individual stock. The AMC Reddit community is very active and engaged. There are a ton of fresh posts and great memes. It is also a very supportive and inclusive community, one of the better subreddits I’ve come across. As of writing this, r/amcstock has 25k active users: For a subreddit of AMC’s size 25k active users is pretty impressive. This subreddit is very active, and thus there are a lot of new posts, so if you are looking for due diligence, use the flair and it might require a bit of searching. Filter but top to get some of the better content Overall, the AMC subreddit is a large size, and they are relatively active. Due to this fact, I would rate the AMC subreddit a 9/10. AMC Stocktwits: There is a AMC Stock Forum on Stocktwits, where the members of the AMC board can post messages and pictures. The AMC stock forum has 350,000 members: AMC is a very largely followed stock discussion on Stocktwits. Considering the size of the AMC Stocktwits forum, there are a lot of messages being sent in this discussion daily, it is tough to keep up and the information is relatively lacking. Like many of the other discussions on Stocktwits, the quality of the AMC posts is typically low, and there is a decent amount of spam posts due to the larger following. Daily message volume is about 100k: The AMC Stocktwits community is active when considering the overall size of the AMC Stocktwits forum. Because there are over 100k new messages daily it becomes difficult to find anything of substance. Overall, the AMC Stocktwits community is somewhat large, and active for its size. This has led me to rating the AMC Stocktwits chat a 5/10. AMC Price and Forecast: Information pertaining to AMC price, performance, historical performance, and financials can be found on Utradea’s AMC Stock Page. In terms of a price target for AMC, fundamentals should be tossed out the window. This has been mostly driven by retail investors, however there is the opportunity for Adam Aron (CEO) to turn AMC around. Check our some of the due diligence on the r/amcstocks page for price target projections. Summary of AMC Stock and Community: The AMC subreddit is very large and is quite active relative to their size. The AMC Stocktwits community is smaller than their reddit community, but are subject to more spam which has contributed to my lower rating on the AMC Stocktwits forum. Overall, I would rate the AMC online community a 8/10 because of the high-quality of the r/amcstock Reddit community.

AMC Stock Communities and Stock Analysis

Sep 30, 2021 - Stuart Mooney

1:51 PM


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Image credit: - AMC Stock communities and stock analysis

A look into $AMC - AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc's stock, the AMC Reddit community, and the AMC Stocktwits Forum.

This report will cover information about AMC price, price target, and other information about their stock, information about the size and quality of the AMC Reddit community, and information about the size and quality of the AMC Stocktwits forum.

To see more of the most talked about stocks on Reddit, check out the Utradea Social Sentiment Dashboard for insights and analytics.

AMC Social Media Overview:

AMC Reddit:

The r/amcstock subreddit is a dedicated AMC subreddit and contains discussions about AMC stock price, due diligence and memes.

  • The AMC subreddit has 430,000 members: The AMC Reddit is on of the largest subreddits for an individual stock. The AMC Reddit community is very active and engaged. There are a ton of fresh posts and great memes. It is also a very supportive and inclusive community, one of the better subreddits I've come across.
  • As of writing this, r/amcstock has 25k active users: For a subreddit of AMC's size 25k active users is pretty impressive. This subreddit is very active, and thus there are a lot of new posts, so if you are looking for due diligence, use the flair and it might require a bit of searching. Filter but top to get some of the better content

Overall, the AMC subreddit is a large size, and they are relatively active. Due to this fact, I would rate the AMC subreddit a 9/10.

AMC Stocktwits:

There is a AMC Stock Forum on Stocktwits, where the members of the AMC board can post messages and pictures.

  • The AMC stock forum has 350,000 members: AMC is a very largely followed stock discussion on Stocktwits. Considering the size of the AMC Stocktwits forum, there are a lot of messages being sent in this discussion daily, it is tough to keep up and the information is relatively lacking. Like many of the other discussions on Stocktwits, the quality of the AMC posts is typically low, and there is a decent amount of spam posts due to the larger following.
  • Daily message volume is about 100k: The AMC Stocktwits community is active when considering the overall size of the AMC Stocktwits forum. Because there are over 100k new messages daily it becomes difficult to find anything of substance.

Overall, the AMC Stocktwits community is somewhat large, and active for its size. This has led me to rating the AMC Stocktwits chat a 5/10.

AMC Price and Forecast:

Information pertaining to AMC price, performance, historical performance, and financials can be found on Utradea's AMC Stock Page.

In terms of a price target for AMC, fundamentals should be tossed out the window. This has been mostly driven by retail investors, however there is the opportunity for Adam Aron (CEO) to turn AMC around. Check our some of the due diligence on the r/amcstocks page for price target projections.

Summary of AMC Stock and Community:

The AMC subreddit is very large and is quite active relative to their size. The AMC Stocktwits community is smaller than their reddit community, but are subject to more spam which has contributed to my lower rating on the AMC Stocktwits forum. Overall, I would rate the AMC online community a 8/10 because of the high-quality of the r/amcstock Reddit community.