Jul 18, 2022 - Jack Dalton
9:34 AM
TRELLUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC just decreased its holding of MARATHON DIGITAL HOLDINGS IN by 15,000 shares. This represents a decrease of 60% in their MARA holdings, which is significant.
These 15,000 shares represent 0.26% of its current fund at a market value of $214k. We can look at TRELLUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC's historical performance to see if the change is a strong predictor. TRELLUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC returned -21.62% last year, 52.16% over the last 3 years, and 111.17% over a 5-year time horizon.
Over the last year, TRELLUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC underperformed S&P 500 by -9.71% However, their 3-year and 5-year performance against the S&P 500 was 23.48% and 54.97% respectively (they beat the market by a large amount). Based on their track I would consider diving a bit deeper to see if MARA should be added or dropped from your portfolio.
We know that fund like Trellus are starting to express their disbelief in the MARA stock by decreasing their positions in the MARA stock. But what are the retail investors thinking?
Here are the latest analytics from the MARA Stocktwits and MARA Twitter communities (over the last 24hrs):
As you can see, the retail investors are still showing signs of belief and excitement about the MARA stock in both the MARA Stocktwits and MARA Twitter communities. This is evident through the large increase in all of their measures of social sentiment in both communities. However, we do not yet know what these investors are saying within these communities, so let's take a look!
Stay Ahead of The Market Market By Tracking Real-Time MARA Stock Trends
Firstly, the MARA Stocktwits chatter seems to be of user excitement due to the recent performance of the crypto markets. This excitement has snowballed into optimism as many MARA Stocktwits users are posting about a bright short-term future for the MARA stock. As with every stock, there are some users who are posting content completely opposite to that of the norm, warning about a crypto crash, which would cause MARA to crash as well.
Secondly, the overall chatter within the MARA Twitter community seems to be more of the same. Many users are posting about Bitcoin's fantastic performance over the weekend and how they think this move may continue into the future. Overall, there seems to be a more bullish outlook on the MARA stock from its Twitter community (as opposed to the MARA Stocktwits community)
Whether you are trying to stay up-to-date on posting volumes, likes, and/or impressions within a stock's Stocktwits and/or Twitter communities; diving deeper into the “whale” accounts that are driving sentiment in the MARA Stocktwits and/or Twitter communities, or just keeping up with how different stocks are ranking in terms of their social sentiment; there is no better time to get familiar with social sentiment data.