Aug 6, 2021 - Tai Lin
4:14 PM
Author: Tai Lin
How much time do you have in a day to read through a sea of publicly available investment information? Are you maximizing your ability to find material insights for your investment decisions?
SEC 8-K Filings
In the United States, Companies that sell their securities to the public are required to disclose any material changes via to investors under the 1933 Securities Act. One of such ways companies do this is by filing the SEC 8-K, also known as the ‘Current Report'.
Investors often read through these filings to understand key events, financials and information regarding a company's current and future trajectory. SEC Filings are an excellent source for investors to form their investment thesis and keep tabs on new investment opportunities.
SEC Dashboard: Tracking Filings Effortlessly
You might be able to scrape by reading 1-2 SEC filings on SEC Edgar Filing Solutions, but could you keep track of all your active investment ideas at scale?
This is why the SEC Dashboard was created; it's a tool to cut through the noise within SEC filings and help busy investors quickly identify insights in a concise, readable way.
With a bit of engineering, the team at Utradea delved into the domain of Finance NLP to simplify the way our users extract information from SEC Filings.
SEC Dashboard: Filings Feed
The SEC Dashboard gives you visibility on the latest filings by accepted date and filings published by companies within your active Utradea ideas and watchlist.
SEC Dashboard: Summarized Insights
The dashboard displays each SEC Filing in an expandable/collapsible content card, so you can quickly explore different filings and get their insights.
Each SEC Filing Contains:
SEC Dashboard: Utradea View
On the SEC Dashboard, Utradea investors are also able to go into a deep dive within the document itself to search for keywords and details disclosed by companies. This is often crucial to identify material changes, or information required for further financial analysis by investors. The team at Utradea used natural language processing to enable keyword extraction.
To deep dive within the document, click on ‘Utradea View' within each content card.
In ‘Utradea View', users can click on ‘Search' or ‘Smart Parser' to quickly identify keywords and referenced details within the document.
With today's investors who need to maximize their time value of research, the SEC Dashboard is a great tool to leverage. Tracking latest filings and using the Utradea View to quickly extract meaningful information will certainly help busy investors like myself find meaningful insights at scale.
Feedback? Let's Talk!
The team at Utradea will continue to enhance the SEC Dashboard, and bring in additional SEC document types that serve a similar purpose.
If you have any questions or ideas on how to improve this tool, please feel free to reach out to on behalf of Utradea.